The German diabetes-risk score

A validated instrument to precisely evaluate the individual risk of diabetes

M.B. Schulze, K. Hoffmann, H. Boeing, H.-G. Joost, Potsdam-Rehbrücke

For specific measures of prevention of type 2 diabetes it is necessary to identify persons at a higher risk of the disease. So far, several proposals based on foreign studies have been available for evaluation of the risk of diabetes. A validated instrument derived from the German population which allows to classify the risk on the basis of non-invasive measurement would be preferred, however. Accordingly, a risk score was developed on the basis of data obtained from the prospective cohort study EPIC Potsdam.

The score allowing to precisely predict the chance of falling ill with diabetes is based on anthropometric data, information about lifestyle and nutrition. It was validated in three other German populations .The score, available as an interactive web tool (, is also available on request.

Keywords: diabetes prevalence, risk of the disease, EPIC Potsdam study, FINRISK study, FINDRISK, health cost, preventive measures, risk factors, risk score, type 2 diabetes.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 03/07 ab Seite 122.

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