Active substances of functional food in the prevention of arteriosclerosis

A. Hahn, A. Ströhle, B. Schmitt, B. M. Watkinson, Hannover

Part 1: Physiological effects of w -3 fatty acids

Arteriosclerotic diseases have been the most frequent cause of death in Germany. Induced by chemical noxae, endothelial lesions and disfunctions are the initial signs of a pathological development. Influenced by immunological and oxidative mechanisms, the arteriosclerotic process advances ultimately leading to a restriction of the vascular lumen.

Many epidemiological studies and clinical intervention studies suggest vasoprotective effects of long-chain w -3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA) present mainly in food of aquatic origin. Lately the commercial supply of functional food withw-3 fatty acids has increased. Vasoprotective effects of long-chainw -3 fatty acid effects include a hypotriglyceridemic action, modulation of the eicosanoid and cytokine snythesis, and inhibition of blood coagulation. w-3 fatty acids, moreover, reduce the expression of adhesion factors, stimulate endothelial vasodilatation and show slight to moderate hypotonic action. The present paper provides a survey of the pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis and the influence of w -3 fatty acids in primary and secondary prophylaxis.EU05/02

Keywords: w-3 fatty acids / physiological effects / functional food / prevention of arteriosclerosis.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 05/02 ab Seite 172.

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