Fifty years Ernährungs-Umschau: half a century passed in review
- 14.06.2004
- Print-Artikel
- Redaktion
Part 1: The period of 1954–1990 against the background of science history
B. Gaßmann, Nuthetal
The first issue of the Ernährungs-Umschau was published in June 1954 as organ of the German Nutrition Society. The journal was joined by the Association of German Dietitians in 1958, by Gütegemeinschaft Diätverpflegung in 1964 and by the Association of Ecotrophologists in 2002. This, and some other developments – the growing together of various disciplines to the new discipline of nutrition science, a renewal of academic teaching and research in the field of food and nutrition, and the growing need for scientific nutrition counselling – gradually changed the periodical from an initially popular paper informing the healthy and the sick about nutrition, food and daily diets into a professional journal primarily addressing mediators. Original articles, reviews, contributions to discussion, brief information and congress proceedings including abstracts have been reflecting the nutritional situation in Germany and the advances in nutrition science. The author who was involved in research, formation of public opinion and product development is presenting his personal view of that time. Added is a chronology of essential scientific papers. Keywords: Ernährungs-Umschau / fifty years / science history / chronology / scientific papers Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 06/04 ab Seite 216.