Between core needs and convenience

Pedagogic chances of influencing food choice and future nutrition

Barbara Methfessel, Heidelberg

Children and adolescents are growing up in a social situation allowing them to largely decide upon their food choice and arrangement of meals, but also requiring a great deal of responsibility. To them – as to others – prescriptions are an intervention in their private life which are refused in defence of independence.

Within the frame-work of nutritional education at school, children and adolescents should not only be informed and convinced, but also learn how to handle their psychic and social needs by, for example, self-confidently using the psychic and social functions of food and nutrition and finding ways of dealing with the temptations of the food market.

Knowing the conditions and aims and considering the effects on individuals, community and society in the long run, they should be able to intelligently choose from among a great many alternatives of action and accordingly put their choice into action.

Keywords: consumer education, consumer society, nutritional education, platform nutrition and physical activities, REVIS project, salutogenesis

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 07/07 ab Seite 378.

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