Effects of moderate alcohol consumption on pregnancy

Anja Brönstrup, Eva Leschik-Bonnet, Peter Stehle, Bonn, Christiane Bode, Stuttgart, Helmut Heseker, Paderborn

A systematic literature search was performed to establish whether even moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy is associated with disturbances in the course of the pregnancy or development of the child, namely increased risks of early death, stillbirth, congenital malformations, body measurements, cognitive development and child behaviour.

For almost all these parameters, there are studies which show unfavourable effects after moderate consumption, as well as studies which have found no association. Exceptions are congenital malformation an child behaviour; the risk of child malformation seems to be not higher for pregnant women with moderate alcohol consumption than for those without alcohol consumption as well as no correlation was found between maternal alcohol consumption and child behavioural disturbances.

Conclusions: For some of these parameters, there is no clear evidence that moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy has an unfavourable effect. For the parameters which were unfavourably affected by alcohol, no limiting dose for safe consumption could be defined. It is assumed that the inconsistency in the study results was linked to methodological problems, particularly in recording the alcohol consumption, as well as differences in the pattern of consumption in the groups examined. It therefore is still advisable not to drink alcohol during pregnancy for safety reasons.

Keywords: pregnancy, moderate alcohol consumption, birth weight, pregnancy risks, foetal alcohol syndrome

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 01/09 ab Seite 10.

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