What does Germany eat? – Evaluation of the Second National Diet Study (NSV II)

Annett Hilbig, Thorsten Heuer, Carolin Krems, Andrea Straßburg, Marianne Eisinger-Watzl, Alexandra Heyer, Anja Tschida, Andreas Götz, Christine Pfau, Karlsruhe

As part of the NVS II, the food consumption of 15 371 persons aged between 14 and 80 was recorded with the help of a diet history interview, for the period from November 2005 to November 2006. As judged by the recommendations of the DGE , the Germans eat too little food from plants, especially vegetables and food rich in carbohydrates. They also eat too much meat and sausage.

A favourable result was that the recommendation for mean fluid intake was easily fulfilled on average. In comparison to the data from the Federal Health Survey for 1998, there had been a slight increase in the consumption of fruit, fish and alcohol-free drinks. There had been a slight decrease in the consumption of meat and sausage within the last 8 years.

Keywords: food consumption, preventive measures, health situation, oversupply, National Diet Study

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 01/09 ab Seite 16.

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