Content of iodide in drinks in germany

Rainer Hampel, Julia Kairies, Harald Below

Sales of iodized salt in Germany have stagnated since 1997. Nevertheless, urinary iodide elimination in the German population has been rising continuously since 1993. The median urinary iodide levels have been within the WHO target range since 1999 for schoolchildren and since 2005 for adults.

Using HPLC and electrochemical detection, the iodide content was determined in 510 samples of drinks taken from throughout Germany. 35 % of the samples were fruit and vegetable juices, 35 % beers, 10% pooled milk and yoghurt drinks, 10 % mineral waters and 10% lemonades. The median iodide concentrations were as follows: fruit and vegetable juices 2.92 μg I-/l, beers 2.91 μg I-/l, mineral waters 0.5 μg I-/l, lemonades 0.5 μg I-/l. pooled milk 117 μg I-/ml and yoghurt drinks 126 μg I-/l. As expected, summer milk contained less iodide than winter milk . Our results indicate that milk and milk products – with median iodide values of 117 μg I-/l and 126 μg I-/l, respectively – make a decisive contribution to the increased levels of iodine in the German population.

Keywords: iodide, drinks, Germany, milk, milk products

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 02/10 ab Seite 73.

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