Is food of genetically modified plants dangerous to health? – Principles of safety evaluation

Klaus-Dieter Jany, Karlsruhe

Genetically modified organisms and food produced of these are subject to careful examination before they are put into circulation. If they are granted non-restricted admission, one can be sure that the food does not affect human health.

The present contribution describes the various steps of safety evaluation and its methodology. Great emphasis is laid on studies of the allergenic potential and on the discussion of markers of antibiotic resistance. Novel proteins in this genetically modified food do not represent a greater risk of food allergies than other food proteins. The danger that antibiotic-resistance markers used in genetically modified food may lead to an additional dissemination of these genes in bacteria is very low. It is desirable, however, that alternative chances of selection be soon available to guarantee as much safety as possible and to dispel frequently irrelevant doubts.

Keywords: absence of danger to human health, allergenic potential, biotechnology, antibiotic-resistance markers, consumer protection, genetically modified organisms, green genetic engineering, transgenic useful plants of the 2nd generation, unexpected effects.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 05/07 ab Seite 238.

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