Are tomatoes good for the heart?
- 15.08.2007
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EU project LYCOCARD presents its first results Volker Böhm, Jena High concentrations of the plant pigment lycopene are also contained in tomatoes, one of the most frequently used vegetables and the largest source of dietary lycopene. Cardiovascular diseases are among the main causes of death in Europe and other industrial regions of the world. These diseases may be prevented by lycopene.
The mode of action of lycopene is a subject of research by a multidisciplinary team of an EU project called LYCOCARD. The project lasting up to 2011 is devoted to the product’s way from the field to the table of consumers. Promising results were already obtained from in-vitro and in-vivo studies and from product research of the fist year. “Five portions of fruit and vegetables per day including one tomato product” – this could be a new dietary guideline to promote consumer health and at the same time reduce the cost of health systems.
Keywords: antioxidants, bioavailability, carotinoids, cardiovascular diseases, phytochemicals, prevention
Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 08/07 ab Seite 446.