Patterns of expenditure and consumption of heavy consumers of organic products

Fabian Buder, Ulrich Hamm

The patterns of expenditure and consumption of households with heavy consumption of organic products were compared with households which do not or which only rarely purchase organic products.

Clear differences were found in the per capita expenses for food and in the level of per capita consumption. For the households with heavy expenditure on organic products, meat and meat products, butter, margarine and oils clearly play a smaller role than for the comparison group. On the other hand, the consumption of milk and milk products, as well as of particular fruits, vegetables and grain products, is clearly higher in households with heavy expenditure on organic products.

With this overall consumption pattern, households with heavy expenditure on organic products come closer to the recommendations of nutritionists for a healthy diet. However, there are also indications that the consumption patterns of households with heavy expenditure on organic products are changing, as a result of the growing range of organic convenience products and sweets.

Keywords: Organic foods, organic buyers, patterns of consumption, patterns of expenditure, health

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 09/09 ab Seite 527.

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