Ageing and nutrition

M. Neuhäuser-Berthold, Gießen

Biological ageing is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon. Obvious age-dependent signs of degeneration may be attributed to processes in different cells and tissue structures. These again lead to severe functional loss resulting in severe diseases with increasing age. Numerous studies suggest that nutrition and lifestyle influence the course of ageing processes.

It has been shown that a high energy supply promotes the development of overweight and related diseases with negative effects on life expectancy. Overweight, particularly in combinatiaon with visceral fat accumulation, is associated with an increased risk of disorders of the fat metabolism, hypertension and diabetes type II, cardiac infarction, stroke, various kinds of cancer, and other diseases. Studies of the relation among energy supply, body mass and mortality have shown that for a long life in good health those measures seem to be useful which, at an earlier age, prevent the development of overweight and, at advanced age, reduce the risk of nutrient deficiencies and loss of fat-free mass.

Keywords: ageing, calorie restriction, cost of Public Health, life expectancy, low-calorie diets, morbidity, nutrient deficits, prevention, risk of mortality.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 10/07 ab Seite 580.

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