Climate protecting nutritional behaviour and daily household practice

Doris Hayn, Frankfurt

Consumers may contribute to climate protection not only by saving energy in heating and traffic but also by their nutritional acting.

Beside using high standard energy saving household appliances food choice is important for climate protection. Ecobalances and mass-flow-analyses are attempts to demonstrate and measure “hidden” climatic effects of food but still lack of standardized calculation procedures. Available data shows that climatic effects of food are influenced by a combination of several factors including provenience and transport, way of cultivation, production and processing of a product. Consumer information is needed providing recommendations which are easy to understand and emphasizing that climate protecting nutritional behaviour is feasable.

Keywords: Change in climate, nutritional behaviour, shopping behaviour, ecobalance, daily household practice, consumers, energy efficiency.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 10/08 ab Seite 599.

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