Nutritional education – developing the curriculum and institutional responsibility

Ines Heindl, Flensburg

Everyone can eat; learning to eat takes place in a process of enculturation, socialisation, upbringing and education, which exclusively starts in the privacy of the community into which the individual is born.

If too much is demanded of these communities and socalled “social pathologies” also trigger disorders in eating behaviour, social critics like to call on the responsibility of established facilities for training and education. Since the 1980s, the relationship between nutrition, health and education has led to new curricula in nutritional education; this article examines the background to their origins and how they act.

Keywords: nutritional education, nutritional and health training, risks of eating behaviour, REVIS

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 10/09 ab Seite 568.

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