Summary Prevention of coronary heart disease in women: a question of genetic predisposition and stress?

Results of the CORA study

Birgit-Christiane Zyriax, Heiner Boeing, Chr. Bamberger, Eberhard Windler

Results of the CORA study have shown that women with a recently diagnosed coronary heart disease frequently had risk factors which had been treated for many years.

The women had not recognized these risk factors as dangerous to their health, however, nor were they aware of the influence of their daily diet and of the lack of physical activity. They felt primarily endangered by vocational and familial stress and by a genetic predisposition as the cause of their cardiovascular disease. Data obtained in the study, however, have shown a great negative or protective influence of nutrition on the cardiovascular risk which does more than modulate the risk factors even in the presence of a familial predisposition. Dietary counselling should emphasize the influence of a healthy lifestyle including nutrition besides medication and due consideration of a genetic disposition and stress.

Keywords: Coronary heart disease, risk factors, prevention, ‘good’ stress, stress, nutritional risk factors.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 11/07 ab Seite 652.

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