Anamnesis of primary school breakfasts

G. Eissing, M. Molderings, T. Nolle-Gösser, N. Bönnhoff, Dortmund

The school breakfast has been used as an evaluation parameter in several intervention studies. The results from 67 first and second primary school classes – a total of 1,554 children – were summarised.

In a prospective approach, trained observers recorded the food the children brought with them over the course of a week. The quantities consumed of the individual groups of food were recorded for future comparison. The calculated energy and nutrient supply was recorded and compared with the OptimiX recommendations. The values for the school breakfast are greater than the recommendations for the first snack between meals, but less than the recommendations for the first or second breakfast. The possibility is considered that consumption is shifted from the first to the second breakfast.

Keywords: school breakfast, optimised mixed diet, balanced nutrition, KiGGS, breakfast consumption, school performance.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 03/09 ab Seite 140.

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