The molecularisation of nutritional science or – what is nutritional science and what is the point of it?

Part 1: The scientific status quo of nutritional science Alxander Ströhle, Frank Döring, Kiel

This article is intended to present an outline of the scientific foundations of nutritional science. The first part analyses the controversial scientific status of nutritional science within the canon of the other scientific disciplines.

It is investigated whether nutritional science exhibits the normal characteristics of a real science. It turns out that there are conceptual difficulties with the domain, objectives and problems of nutritional science. It is proposed that the domain of nutritional science – nutrition – is a form of interaction between the organism and its environment. This domain can only be adequately treated if biotic, psychic and social aspects are considered. Nutritional science is a biopsychosocial multidiscipline, which is neither a pure natural science nor a pure social science.

Nutritional science can and should be conducted as a basic science, an applied science and as a technology. As the research community has currently failed to provide a clear formulation of unsolved problems in nutritional science, these problems are presented in a vague manner. It would be helpful for the advancement of the discipline if specific unsolved problems could be properly formulated.

Keywords: basic science, applied science, sociological implications, psychological implications, molecular nutrition

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 04/09 ab Seite 202.

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