Insulin therapy in diabetes type 2

Hans Uwe Janka, Bremen

The indication for insulin treatment increases with increasing duration the diabetes. As type 2 diabetes most frequently appears at the age of 55 to 65 years and insulin treatment is usually required after the disease has been present for 10 years, insulin treatment is predominantly indicated in older individuals.

Insulin treatment, an essential component of the antidiabetic therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes, rapidly improves the metabolic disorders. Caloric restriction, more physical activity and weight management are concomitant measures always needed. In the majority of diabetics insulin treatment should be initiated with B.O.T. as standard therapy. A combination of B.O.T. and additional insulin injections is only recommended in patients in whom the standard therapy fails.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, supplementary insulin therapy , basally supported oral therapy (B.O.T.), insulins with short and extended effectiveness, oral antidiabetics, LAPTOP study

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 04/08 ab Seite 224.

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