Dietary recommendations in the light of prehistoric diets

A. Zittermann, Bad Oeynhausen

In view of the results of comprehensive prospective epidemiological studies obtained recently, the preventive effects of a high carbohydrate intake and a dietary fat restriction (< = 30 % of total daily energy) on cardiovascular diseases have been questioned.

These new results are discussed in the light of paleolithic food intake and nutrient relations. At prehistoric times, fruit, vegetables and lean meat were consumed frequently, while cereals were a rare component of daily diets. Consequently, paleolithic diets were rich in protein and relatively poor in carbohydrates. Recent studies have shown that fruit and vegetables significantly lower the cardiovascular mortality rate. Moreover, a diet containing much (lean) meat has been found to increase HDL cholesterol and to reduce LDL cholesterol, triglyceride and homocysteine levels. The data suggest that a paleolithic, relatively low carbohydrate diet could have anti-atherogenic effect. This may lead to a physiological re-evaluation of different food categories (such as cereals and lean meat) and to modified recommendations of nutrient relations. EU11/03

Keywords: Dietary recommendations / prehistoric diets

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 11/03 ab Seite 420.

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