• 10.03. - 11.03.2025
  • Tagung/Kongress - Anzeige -

2nd - The Future of Oilseeds: Prospects for Plant based Proteins?

The German Society for Fat Science (DGF) serves as a neutral platform for the exchange of knowledge between science and practice and is pleased to announce after 2023 the second conference on vegetable proteins titled “The Future of Oilseeds: Prospects for Plant-Based Proteins?” This event will take place from March 10th to 11th 2025 in Frankfurt am Main.
The future of oilseeds is increasingly intertwined with the demand for plant-based proteins, driven by consumer preferences for sustainable nutrition and the need for alternative protein sources. As global oilseed production is projected to reach record highs, the industry is adapting to meet these evolving demands. However, the oilseed industry must adapt through innovation and sustainable practices to ensure it meets these new challenges while capitalizing on emerging opportunities in plant-based food markets.
 The global protein market continues to expand and the demand for protein sources is on the rise. Plant proteins, derived from various plant groups such as pulses, nuts, and primarily oilseeds, are not only rich in protein, but also provide essential nutrients including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Despite these nutritional benefits, these raw materials are still used far too rarely in food production.
This conference offers a valuable opportunity to learn about the latest research results in the field of protein production, food applications and protein characterization and to discuss them with experts and other participants. Our presenters will include experts from the oil processing industry, research institutions, and the food application sector.
The information shared at this conference is designed for all stakeholders in the edible oil and pulses industry as well as consumers and professionals involved in the evaluation and marketing of proteins.

We would be delighted to welcome you to Frankfurt am Main for the conference “The Future of Oilseeds: Prospects for Plant-Based Proteins?”. Hope to see you in Frankfurt!

Best regards,

Dirk Heinrich, JJ-Lurgi Engineering Germany GmbH, Frankfurt
Sharline Nikolay, Max Rubner-Institut, Detmold
Philipp Meissner, Max Rubner-Institut, Detmold



Protein Production

  • Welcome
    (Sharline Nikolay, Dirk Heinrich)
  • „Keynote Speech“
    (Volker Heinz, Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik, Quakenbrück, Germany)
  • Enhanced Proteins from Soya and other seeds
    (Kevin Shadlock, CPM, Hull, UK)
  • Protein from oil crops – valorization of side streams
    (Mathias Aschenbrenner, Flottweg, Vilbisburg, Germany)
  • Pumpkin seed press cake - a valuable source of protein
    (Susanne Struck, Technische Universität Dresden, Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen Lippe, Lemgo, Germany)
  • From Byproduct to Resource: Unlocking the Potential of Sunflower Presscake in Plant-Based Proteins
    (Lissy Frantzen, Endeco, Buchholz-Mendt, Germany)
  • Production of sunflower proteins and their further use
    (Matthias Lachner, VFI, Wels, Austria)
  • Extraction of Proteins from Green Plants and selected functional Properties
    (Xiaoai Guo, Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik, Quakenbrück, Germany)


Food Application

  • Dry fractionation of faba beans for the production of protein-enriched functional ingredients for use in food products – Influence of raw material, milling and air classification
    (Sharline Nikolay, Max Rubner-Institut, Detmold Germany)
  • „TBA“ 10:00 Investigating the potential of plant proteins as oleogelators
    (Maria Wittmüß, Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany)
  • Plant-based proteins in vegan foods – a rheological perspective
    (S. Drusch, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
  • Spore-forming Bacillus cereus in fermented sunflower seed press cake
    (Verena Looser, Agroscope, Bern, Switzerland)
  • „TBA“ Characterization of proteins
  • Unlocking the potential of hempseed press cake for the production of functional protein ingredients
    (Anna Dziuballe, TU München, München, Germany) )
  • Characterisation of phenolic compounds in rapeseed by semi-targeted approaches
    (Philipp Meissner, Max Rubner-Institut, Detmold Germany)
  • Innovative Legume Products – Quality, specifications, treatment, processing, and health. Apparently no limitations? (Sascha Rohn, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
  • „TBA“
  • Analytical characterization and lab-scale processing of proteins (Markus Löns, Anton Paar, Duisburg, Germany)
  • Wrap Up

Participation Fees

until 10th of February
Member 700 €
Non-Member 750 €
Student 250 €

after 10th of February 
Member 750 € 
Non-Member 800 €
Student 300 €

The registration fee includes:
- Entry to the scientific programme
- List of participants
- Lunch

More information about programme, registration and abstracts.


Lindner Congress Hotel Frankfurt
Bolongaro Str. 100
65929 Frankfurt (Hoechst)


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft e.V.

DGF Congress Team
Phone: +49 69 7917-533
E-Mail: info@dgfett.de


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